Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Divide Sheet music

I feel like it's my birthday - I know that a few people have been sending me email asking if I knew where they could find a piano version of New Divide by Linkin Park - Well, the search ended a few minutes ago when I found a FREE version of New Divide for the piano or keyboard. Now you can all start practicing New Divide on the piano, and hopefully you'll all end up as good as me!

SWEET!! I feel like smiling, and I'll tell you why - PianoSheets has just released a new free piano sheet: New Divide. New Divide by Linkin Park is a awesome song - I got New Divide stuck in my head and couldn't get it out for 4hours Now I can finally learn how to play New Divide on the piano - by using the free New Divide piano sheet I linked to for all of you.

New Divide by Linkin Park new sheet music "Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what"."

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