Sunday, July 25, 2010

You'll enjoy this Nightswimming piano sheets

I feel like it's my birthday - I know that a few people have been sending me email asking if I knew where they could find a piano version of Nightswimming by R.E.M. - Well, the search ended a few minutes ago when I found a FREE version of Nightswimming for the piano or keyboard. Now you can all start practicing Nightswimming on the piano, and hopefully you'll all end up as good as me!

SWEET! I feel like a brand new man, and I'll tell you why - PianoSheets has just released a new piece of FREE sheet music: Nightswimming. Nightswimming by R.E.M. is a awesome tune - Nightswimming, or to be very clear: Nightswimming by R.E.M. is great, and the sheet music ir really well done. Now I can finally learn how to play Nightswimming on the piano - by using the free Nightswimming sheet music I linked to below.

Nightswimming by R.E.M. free sheet music "You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it."


  1. Realllyyy wanting to learn Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin on piano. Can't see that happening without the sheet music though. Darn xD

  2. just bought piano sheet music, should keep me amused for about half an hour

  3. fffffff I found some piano sheet music for some Pokemon game themes. I'm totally nerding out

  4. I can do a lot worse than listening to REM on a lazy Sunday morning and am glad I chose not to do that. Nightswimming np
